Thursday 21 February 2019

Japanese Culture Day

Japanese Culture Day

Yesterday was Japanese Culture day at abroad. Every year it is one of our best activities, mainly because it brings in lots of people form the community: this year we had a taiko drumming group, including some performers with special needs, and some grandmothers and grandfathers sharing traditional games and crafts. The kids were a little disappointed that only the older classes got to do Nagai noumen, but I think Chiya Sensei might be able to set it up again for us next week.

The taiko drumming was a little noisy for the kids, but they didn't seem to worry as much when it was their turn to bang the drums.

They loved playing with all of the toys and were very well behaved and respectful towards our guests.

Thursday 7 February 2019

Park Photography

Super secret things are going in preschool B at the moment, as the kids finalize their costume, music and dance selections for the year End Performance. I feel like I have told you too much already, by way of explaining how it will work this year, and I'm sure the kids have and will tell you more; probably you wont see much of our preparations posted on this blog, as we want to have some surprises.

The kids are exploring all the different kinds of art, including photography. so here are some of their pictures that they took on a recent trip to the park:


Japanese Culture Day

Japanese Culture Day Yesterday was Japanese Culture day at abroad. Every year it is one of our best activities, mainly because it brings ...